Venturi Astrolab
>> Monday, March 1, 2010
Venturi Astrolab

With 3.6 sqm of photovoltaic cells giving an exceptional yield of 21%, and covered by a film composed of
With a top speed of 120 kmhr and autonomy of 110 km, Venturi Astrolab is a real Solar Commuter making extensive trips on a daily basis.
Made by order, Venturi Astrolab is a vehicle with a considerable technological head-start on all other productions worldwide. It meets the needs of people's inter-urban travel, at the forefront of the best that is being achieved in terms of technology.
This is very first vehicle that consumes no fossile resources in order to work the emissions of CO2 required for its construction will even be compensated for by evironmental actions.
A parallel can be drawn between Venturi Astrolab and a sailboat both advance silently while making best use of the elements provided by Nature. And the piloting of both makes for sensations unlike any other.
To attain this level of performance while using very little energy, Venturi Astrolab has been designed like a Formula 1 its carbon monocoque chassis is ultra-light and serves as an oversized protection cell ensuring the safety of its occupants in the event of a collision. Its profile recalls the aqua-dynamic design of great racing yachts.
Venturi Astrolab also opens up a new era as regards automobile architecture light and highprofiled, it offers the rays of the sun 3.6 sqm of today's most sophisticated photovoltaic cells (for an overall vehicle length under 4 m).

Optimised to incoporate its solar cells, the Venturi Astrolab's design takes into account the effect of passengers' weight on the vehicle's dynamic behaviour. Very light when empty, the tandem architecture makes for perfect balance, whether the vehicle is occupied by one person or two.

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